Thursday, October 1, 2009


So time for a little update..

I just realized how boring my blog posts are... please i am open for suggestions and ideas. Although there are not many major things that go on in my life that are really blog worthy.

However, to my readers out there (obviously you know who you are) What can I do to improve "the blog".


school: I failed my first test today... seems to be the story of my life, oh well. Other than that just really busy. The pitch packet is due on Monday for my PR class. I hope that I can do well on the assignment.

work: still love the job. love the co-workers. They are the best. But nothing too terribly exciting is going on. However with general conference coming up this weekend work next beek will be extremely CRAZY.

family: right now father is in Long Beach for work... I wish I was with him, but school got in the way. mother is sick... hopefully she gets better soon. Megan is doing well, we got to have a sleepover at my apartment two nights ago. Emily has been sick as well. I think/hope she is starting to feel better.

friends: To my great friends of all ages you know who you are (and most of you don't read this but I love you anyways). I love you.

other: I am looking forward to General Conference this weekend. I love the changing leaves on the trees, but I hate the cold. I am not looking forward to winter and the snow.

entertainment: please visit if you would like to laugh.

until next time...


  1. i love your blog. it is perfect, keeps me up to date, which i enjoy!!

  2. thank you SO much for the people of walmart link.. made my day!!
